Senin, 26 Juli 2010

have you ever ?

have you ever think about me ?
have you ever think about my feel ?
have you ever imagine to be me ?
have you ever imagine to feel what i feel ?
have you ever consider about what i did to you ?
have you ever consider about what i gave to you ?
and have you ever care about what i feel all this time ? have you ever ?

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

what a ..... night !

hello again :D
aku nulis blog ini di kamar.malem-malem.dingin.gelap.sendiri..gatau kenapa tiba-tiba aja itu tadi ambil laptop terus pengen nulis blog padahal uda siap mau tiduuur huhu so random di malem hari
by the way, aku lagi kangen kamu sekarang....err padahal kita tadi baru ketemu dan mau ketemu lagi besok
aku bukan kangen kamunya sebenernya,
i miss our quality time
i miss june 24th
i miss our safari trip
i miss our surabaya trip
i miss anything about us
i miss you, i miss all the things about us

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

wanted stuffs

hello all , how are youuuu ? me fine :D ah by the way after surfing the internet and opened some websites i found a lotta cool stuffsss, and i really want it
okay, first i really want this rare print ray ban sunglasses

second, i want a custom made vans era or keds shoesss
by the way when i went to singapore last holiday i found a really cute vans era shoes which have thinner soles, but when i asked to the shopkeeper there's no size for me , huhu how pity me :(

and the third is butterfly twist shoes

i ever tried to buy this shoes in the online store, but the credit card can't use in uk :( and then i tried to buy in ebay but still the same, they can't accept the credit card maybe i'll try again someday hehe

that's part of things that i want for now, i can't tell you all what i want haha maybe someday i'll tell you in my other post. oh yaaa and one thing that i really want is my cameraaaa back it broke :( it causes when i was rafting and i brought it with me huhu, it makes me hard to take a picture of my activities and make me lazy to post a blog haha
see youuuuu :*

nice quote :)

Defeat is not the worst of failures, not to have tried is the true failure

-George Edward Woodberry-

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

love and pencil

hello, i'm back with my silly theory and it's talk about love and pencil :p
okay let's start, here is my silly theory....

kalo kita sayang seseorang itu ibarat kita nulis di kertas putih pake pensil
semakin kamu tebel nulis di kertas itu, semakin susah buat kamu ngehapusnya
kalopun bisa dihapus pasti nanti berbekas
walopun kamu tindes pake tulisan lain pasti akan ada bekas tulisan lama diatas tulisan yang baru

haha, and that's my dumb theory. very novel right ? haha i think so x_x